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Mailgun Dashboard

That idea has been deleted

Have any feedback to share about the Mailgun Control panel or the Mailgun website? Please do so here!

Be sure to check out our forum for feature requests, just in case someone already posted your idea there. If not, please only comment about the functionality of our website or Admin control panel.

3 results found

  1. Dark mode

    Please implement dark mode

    6 votes
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  2. Cross-domain recipient info

    The analytics for each send include info about recipients' mailbox providers (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.), but it'd be great to see this information aggregated across all sends across all domains.

    1 vote
    How important is this to you?
  3. Date format in logs is USA format, even though my setting is ISO

    I set my date format to ISO in account settings (YYYY-MM-DD etc), but this is ignored in the Logs view, Date filters in logs view and reporting dashboard where the date format is always shown in USA format of mm-dd-yyy.
    The date 08/07/24 displayed in logs for people outside the USA is 8th July (dd-mm-yy).

    Can the UI please use the option I selected in Settings?

    0 votes
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Mailgun Dashboard


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